Saturday, 28 September 2013

Will UMNO delegates listen to Najib?

Dear Di,

You must think I have abandoned you. I know it has been awhile. But, I am bogged down with work. Many deadlines to meet and too little time to complete them.

  However, compared to Dato Sri Najib's heavy schedule, mine would look like a vacation. He has a nation to look after, Opposition are always behind his back and his own party members are questioning things he does and done. He simply cannot please all.

  The Prime Minister is now in US. He had strings of meetings, delivery key note speeches and meeting foreign leaders in New York. I guess when he comes back, he will have a lot of work to do, meet political leaders, attend parliament and probably campaign for some of his hardcore supporters who are defending their posts in UMNO.

Unfortunately, some quarters in his party felt that Najib should stayed neutral now that he had been returned unopposed as president of UMNO. They claimed that he should not have favourites.

Here, I have to disagree. He cannot remain neutral. Why? Firstly, he is the Prime Minister and President of the party. Top leaders of the party formed the core Cabinet members. Naturally, Najib as Prime Minister would want the leaders who support him be re-elected.  He needs his team to assist him in fulfilling all the promises made to the rakyat at the last general election.  Without a team whom he is comfortable to worth with, Najib woul find it very tough to do his job effectively.

Most of his supporters who hold position in the party are cabinet members, Thus, it would be tough for them to stay in the Cabinet if they no longer are senior members of UMNO.

The newly elected party leaders would want to be appointed to the Cabinet. They would not hesitate to apply pressure on the PM to reshuffle the Cabinet and appoint them instead.

Hence, UMNO members must accept whoever are elected to the UMNO supreme council voted in by some 150,000 delegates. So too, Najib.