Pelawat asing akan ingat Kuala Lumpur kelihatan seperti digambar sebelah dibawah pemerintahan BN setelah mendengar atau membaca kenyataan pemimpin Pakatan
Pelawat yang same akan bingung dan keliru melihat Kuala Lumpur sebenar dibawah kepimpinan BN dan bukan seperti yang digambarkan oleo pimpinan Pakatan
PELAWAT asing datang ke Malaysia selepas mendengar ucapan atau membaca
kenyataan pemimpin serta tokong sorak PKR, DAP, PAS mereka akan terasa amat keliru dan bingung bila melihat keadaan sebenar negara kita.
Mengapa tidaknya, rata-rata politikus dari Pakatan Rakyat memberi gambaran terburuk mengenai negara ini seolah-olah Malaysia berada setaraf dengan negara mundur dan miskin yang terdapat di beberapa benua di dunia ini. Kononnya, berbilion ringgit dibawa lari secara haram, korupsi berleluasa, rakyat miskin terabai, tiada pertumbuhan ekonomi dan lain-lain tuduhan negatif. Semua ini berlaku dibawah kepimpinan Barisan Nasional.
Sebaliknya, pelawat asing akan melihat sebuah negara yang pesat membangun, kemudahan awam bertaraf dunia tersedia di mana-manaa, rakyat yang sentiasa memenuhi gedung-gedung besar membeli belah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat.
Pemimpin Pakatan bertindak seperti seorang yang mabuk kekal dengan merapu tidak henti-henti. Dari mulut mereka tersembur perkataan-perkataan buruk dan menghina semua usaha yang dijalankan oleh Kerajaan BN. Tetapi kita semua tahu, orang ramai tidak ambil perduli tentang kenyataan mereka. Seperti biasa, kita hanya tersenyum apabila melihat pemabuk kekal merapu seorang diri dan tidak mengambil kisah.
Yang lebih buruk lagi apabila pemimpin seperti Anwar yang pernah menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan yang hampir-hampir menjahamankan ekonomi negara semasa negara dilanda krisis kewangan pada tahun 1990an cuba yakinkan pengundi kononnya Pakatan akan dapat melonjakkan ekonomi negara sekiranya diberi kuasa. Sedangkan kita masih ingat bagaimana berapa dasar yang diperkenalkann Anwar ketika itu telah membawa kemusnahan kepada ramai usahawan. Syarikat golong tikar dan usahawan menjadi muflis. Selain itu ribuan orang hilang perkerjaan kerana dasar kewangan Anwar. Ini semua sejarah dan mereka yang menjadi mangsa kepada Anwar masih tidak memaafkannya.
Ada juga beberapa penyokong Anwar yang mengatakan dengan penuh semangat bahawa dasar IMF telah membawa perubahan besar kepada Thailand dan Korea Selatan. Kedua-dua negara tersebut kini telah pulih dan ekonomi mereka berkembang dengan lebih pesat.
Bagaimanapun, mereka sudah lupa. Kebanyakkan perniagaan di negara-negara tersebut tidak lagi dimiliki oleh rakyat mereka. Sebaliknya banyak sudah jatuh ke tangan asing. Teringat penulis kepada senikata lagu Warisan yang antara liriknya ialah "...Bumi dipijak milik orang.."
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
THE CHINESE VOTERS are at a crossroad. So claimed Barisan Nasional leaders. And this mean that majority of the Chinese voters are still undecided as to which side they would throw their support in the soon-to-be-held general election.
But this writer feels otherwise. The Chinese voters, majority of them will support DAP and all political parties friendly to it. Why? The answer lies in the belief among the Chinese voters that a Pakatan Government led by PKR, DAP and PAS will make major changes to the present environment of Malaysia.
However, the big question that lies ahead is what kind of changes will PKR, DAP and PAS introduce? Here is where the nightmare begins. There is nothing concrete spelt out by the three. The public, the voters especially, should know this very well.
When the three parties won the majority in the States of Selangor, Perak, Penang and Kedah they had no plans whatsoever to develop the States. After four years since 2008, the situation in Selangor, Penang and Kedah remained as they were in 2008 or has deteriorated as in the case of Selangor where the PKR-led State Government made a lot of mess.
Both traditional and new media are littered with stories of how the Selangor State Government's administration brought about confusion to the people through unkept promises and practicing of cronyism.
Despite the mess, some analysts were of the opinion that majority of the Chinese voters in Selangor would continue to support DAP, PKR and PAS. The support is largely due to the belief that DAP would bring about Chinese supremacy into Federal politics and they would be a forced to be reckoned with. Never mind the fact that the Prime Minister's post will still be held by a Malay, but the Chinese No 2 will be equally powerful if not more powerful and influential than the Prime Minister. They saw it happened in Perak when Nizar was made the Menteri Besar but it was the two cousins Nga and Ngeh who called the shots.
Perhaps, they should realize that such an arrangement was fatal as the Malays cannot tolerate the fact that the Menteri Besar was a toothless tiger and hence, PKR, PAS and DAP controlled Perak State Government toppled.
A pertinent question that need to be asked here is why the majority of the Chinese voters will continue to support DAP and its allies? They actually know that the DAP alone cannot form the Federal Government.
They still need PKR and PAS. Will PKR whose majority of the candidates contesting in the coming general election and PAS allow DAP to dictate the running of this country? No Malays will allow the Government to cancel the special privileges enshrined in the Constitution. Being the huge majority, the Malays will make sure it will not happen.
Another question is what do the majority of the Chinese voters want? Equal opportunities? That is laughable! The Chinese enjoy more opportunities than the other races because they control the economy. They represent the majority in the urban areas. They enjoy all the facilities provided by the Government first before other races and the Malays who are mostly in rural areas. They have higher income than other races and despite all that the Malays do not mind.
The writer put the blame on DAP who have hoodwinked the Chinese voters to believe that big changes, including turning Malaysia into the second Singapore (where the Chinese control both the economy and politics).
The writer hopes that the Chinese voters realized this..the bird in the hand is better than the dozen birds in the bushes.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
A GROWING nation like Malaysia needs to have continued stability and a strong
governance in order for her to continue improving its economy and the living standard of the citizens.
When Prime Minister Najib came to power, he had introduced various transformation programmes designed towards achieving greater development progress and enabling the people to enjoy higher income. His hard work however has continuously been hampered by the Opposition led by former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar.
Fortunately for Malaysians, Najib has been successful in his efforts despite the numerous hurdles put up by Anwar and gang. Results have shown that the economy is growing, the currency has further strengthened, more jobs have been created, the people have money to spend. The poor are being taken care of. The young are looked after and even the retirees are given ample financial assistance to make ends meet.
However, all these good work can come to halt if the Opposition mainly Pakatan Rakyat is given power to rule the country in the coming general election. The untested Pakatan Rakyat will not generate confidence among the foreign investors especially after they released their own version of the Budget 2013 which, if enforced could bring total economic disaster to the nation.
There is no need to go into details of the Opposition budget as the internet is filled with so many comments about it. It would not be a surprised if investors flee the country immediately after Pakatan Government is sworn in.
Hence, Malaysians are not willing to take such a risk and put their fate into the unknown. Granted BN has their flaws but their successes in ruling the country has put Malaysia on the map. Investors are confident with BN and will be here to stay as long as they are assured of stability to continue conducting their businesses in peace.
Najib, as Prime Minister, has received accolades from home and abroad as being an efficient leader in managing Malaysia. His approaches have attracted favorable comments from world leaders, especially among the leaders of Islamic nations. In their eyes, Malaysia is a good model to emulate.
Anwar and gang realized that under the current situation Najib and BN is unbeatable. Hence, he would not stop to poison the minds of the people to hate Najib by fabricating lies about the Prime Minister. They would not spare any efforts to garner the support of enemies of the nation to pump fundings for them to carry out their evil schemes to bring down the popular BN government.
That is why Anwar is going around the country spreading lies and more lies about Najib and the BN Government hoping that the people would be hoodwinked into believing that Pakatan Rakyat should be voted in as the new Government.
Nevertheless, the people are not blinded. Anwar has bad track record as he was seen as an ineffective Deputy Prime Minister whose role then was more to create animosity among BN leaders. He used money to bring down his challengers. He misused his position to silent those who opposed him. Others he bought them by allocating shares and powerful Government positions.
Anwar can continue to dream, but the fact is his dreams are fast becoming nightmares
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
JANGAN tertipu dengan Anwar. Dia kini berceramah merata tempat menuduh Kerajaan BN membazir wang rakyat. Yang sebenarnya, Anwar merupakan bekas pemimpin Kerajaan yang paling kuat membazir wang rakyat semasa menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan.
Malahan dia mengamal kronyisme secara berleluasa dengan memberi saham-saham kepada kawan dan keluarga. Dia banyak membazir wang rakyat untuk memastikan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tun Ghafar Baba berhenti dari jawatan itu. Ramai penyokong dibeli bagi tujuan tersebut. Anwar tanpa segan silu memastikan penyokongnya diberi wang yang banyak untuk membantu jatuhkan Ghafar. Anehnya, anak Ghafar Tamrin menyalahkan Dr Mahathir pula.
Anwar banyak guna duit untuk membeli sokongan di Sabah. Semua orang tahu. Hanya golongan muda tidak tahu perkara ini. Mereka tidak didedahkan dengan perbuatan jahat Anwar yang sanggup gadai negara semata-mata gilakan jawatan Perdana Menteri. Anwar zahirkan kata-kata seolah-olah dia begitu prihatin dengan nasib rakyat. Malangnya, dia seorang yang tidak memikirkan kepentingan dan nasib rakyat. Rakyat nak pecah kepala atau apa-apapun itu dia tidak perduli. Yang penting bagi Anwar, apa yang dihendak dicapainya.
Malang bagi negara ini kerana terdapat manusia seperti Anwar. Mujurlah dia tidak dapat kehendak hatinya. Orang Melayu rata-tata tidak mahu dengannya. Yang masih terpedaya adalah golongan bukan Melayu yang menyokong DAP. Mereka mahu lihat DAP memerintah negara dengan menggunakan Anwar sebagai keldai. Anwar tidak boleh buat apa-apa tanpa DAP.
Maka dengan itu, Anwar paksa PAS menerima DAP. PAS tanpa Anwar tidak akan dapat berkembang sayap lebih dari Kelantan. PAS tahu orang Melayu tidak menyokongnya. Mereka perlu undi bukan Melayu. Jika terpaksa korbankan penubuhan negara Islam mereka sanggup.
Friday, 5 October 2012
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