Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The losing war game

Dear Di,

Politics is the game of perception.

I may be wrong here, but it seems that in this war of perception, opponents of Barisan Nasional is very much ahead in winning the hearts and minds of the urban folks.

The opponents here are not just confined to DAP, PAS and PKR but also non-political groups, which for some reasons do not want to see Barisan Nasional in control of the Government anymore.
BN losing in this game?

Their numbers maybe small, but their untiring attacks on the Government via the Internet and other media channels have caused major damage to BN reputation, especially among urban dwellers.

The deteriorating situation is further compounded by the failure of BN communication strategists to curtail the problem, leaving the Government almost defenseless against the onslaught.

Simply put, BN has lost the battle in the urban zone.

BN leaders, including PM Najib must surely know that no matter how huge a mountain is - the daily chippings of its mighty walls would eventually cost the mountain to collapse.

The popularity of BN is fast peeling away and its opponents now are aiming all their heavy artilleries towards the rural areas, whose populations are still ardent BN supporters.

It would not be long for them to make inroads, as BN seems to remain clueless and at time headless as to what they should do to check the enemies. And millions spent on A&P went down the drain as far as winning the urban votes.

BN had one time possessed a powerful weapon – the MSM (Main Stream Media). Alas, this cutting edge weapon is no longer powerful as before. BN opponents have successfully neutralized it by convincing the people that the MSM is just a propaganda tool for the Government to control public opinion. To make matter worse, editors were often dictated to publish rubbish instead of quality contents by powerful warloads controlling the media.

Half of the battle was won largely because BN blunders and the other half of the battle were countered by creating online news portals. Loads and loads of lies, half-truths and fictions were rushed down the throats of cyber news reading community in the form of gospel truths. In the end, nobody can tell the different anymore.

Now, everyone tend to believe what is written in the print and online by the enemies of BN. Nobody bothers to verify the facts anymore. The PM, Ministers, MPs, State Assemblymen, politicians have been accused of doing many things on the Net and most believe them, including members of their own political parties! But, hardly any of them takes the culprits to court. And those who do, quickly settled them out of court after some payments of undisclosed amounts were agreed upon and apology.

My only hope is that this political disease do not spread its ugly wing into the Malaysian economy because the impact would be most disastrous and too painful to bear.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Najib and The Cabinet... Please be smart

Dear Di,

I guess I have writer's block these past weeks.  There were many things to jot down but words simply refused to flow. Furthermore, the need to work and support the family had to come first and December is simply a busy month.

But, today I decided to jot down a few things that I feel strongly unhappy. Uppermost is of course the recent announcements of increasing rates - electricity tariff, assessment and now toll rates. Maybe it is wrong to assume, but my guts feeling is that Government is deseperate to increase rates as the coffers are drying up.

Since PM Najib came to power, he was seen spending billions of ringgit to inculcate feel good feelings among the people. Billions of ringgit were alloted to pump the economy and creating spillover effects. Cash handouts were given to low income groups. Some claimed it was to win votes but I believed it was more to pump up the domestic economy. Perhaps, a weak economy can be detrimental to the survival of Barisan Nasional Government then.

But now that the general election is over and the Government has been retained, Najib and the Cabinet has to look ahead to ensure that their Government is capable of ruling the nation until the next general election without busting the economy.

I guess after a hard look, they realised that they could not continue to spoon feed the people with subsidies. If they do, there is a likelihood that this nation would follow the path of Greece - spending more than the revenue generated.

Hence, the need to cut down on subsidies. The people have to pay more. Pay GST.

The fact is I don't like it. But, as a citizen I have to adhere to it. Furthermore, I voted for this Government and I don't like to think I have made a mistake.

On the other hand, Najib and his men must also be smart in addressing public opinion. Currently, the communication strategy sucks big time. I see that they spend millions to convince the public why GST is necessary and would not be a huge  burden to the people and blah..blah...blah.

They don't have do it. Emulate the past leaders who did things intellegently. Rates went up but there were no ugly protests. Make the people understand but at the same time the Government should also show that it practises austerity in the administration.

Do not go around and be seen wasting public funds. And I want to see this Government continue to stay in power after the next GE. Do not give the opposition the opportunity to wrest power because the current adminisration is seen to be indifferent to the suffering of the people.

I feel the first thing Najib should do is to announce that the Govenment would trim its 2014 budget. Prudent spending and minus excesses. Expenditure budget should be reduced significantly and more budget set aside for projects that can generate revenue for the country.

At the same time, Najib should ask the private sector to increase the salaries of the employees by reducing some of their profits. The practise of announcing billion ringgit profits should be stopped and some of the profits should be set aside and given to employees in the form of increment.

More often than not, the employees in the private sector are not well protected by the Government although they are a significant work force to the economy. Most companies are only interested in making ugly huge profits but are not interested in rewarding employees.

After all happy employees bring good financial results.

Sunday, 17 November 2013


Dear Di,

A quiet Sunday today for me. After a tiring week, this weekend is a blessing. I was earlier glued to the TV watching movie re-runs courtesy of Astro. Infact, I don't know why Astro saw it necessary to increase the subscription fee. I wonder if I can still opt for the old fee is I reject some of the new channels it offers to subscribers.

The kids have endeared themselves to the notebooks - playing computer games or surfing the Facebook. It is sad they no longer see the joy of going out of the house playing football at the playground or chitchatting with friends. 

Now I too have dedicated myself to the notebook locking my eyes on the MacBook Air screen. Went through my favourite blogs, online news and forums. After an hour of reading, I began to wonder why the Opposition is allowed to dominate the Malaysian cyberspace almost all the time since 2008. Let me make it clear I am not asking the Government to restrict or censure the Internet. What I want to see is the same agressiveness by the Government and Barisan Nasional in addressing the political issues via the main stream media. Least the Government forgets, there are millions of Malaysians and most are registered voters who look to the Net for information. For some reasons, they are not depending on the MSM to satisfy their needs to know what is going on around the country and the world.

Another negative but alarmingly dangerous situationvis observing BN component members and some UMNO leaders starting to questions and criticising publicly decisions made by the Government. Not that they can't do that but, there are channels established for these purposes. I wonder how Prime Minister and BN Chairman Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak can keep religiously quiet. How long can he maintain silence as more and more verbal attacks are made against the Government and on the PM himself.

Some quarters sarcastically mentioned that Najib's silence is made on the advice of his foreign consultants. They said billions were paid to the consultants and the best advice given to Najib is to keep quiet  as long as possible.

With all the happenings, BN supporters looked as if they are worried about the situation and want action to be taken. But until now, nothing seems to be done. They see the mighty coalition of 14 political parties is slowly but surely losing their popularity among voters and may see losing power for the first time in the next general election. On the other hand, the continued attack by DAP, PAS and PKR against BN and the Government are causing serious cracks to the BN support as more hardcore supporters are starting the believe in the Opposition's propaganda.

The Opposition and their supporters are further enbolden by the elegance silence of BN leaders, including the Prime Minister to launch their "drones". Their cybertroopers spew lies upon lies daily. Yet the Government choose to keep quiet. Legal actions are rare. Even the Prime Minister refused to take legal action despite being viciously attacked with lies.

Hence, the Opposition and their supporters feel that they are given a blank cheque to launch verbal abuse against the Government. They know they would not be stopped and the damage inflicted on BN is significant.

Friday, 1 November 2013


Salam Jummat Di,

Jalan sekitar Kuala Lumpur kelihatan tenang dan tiada kesesakkan sejak jam 8 pagi. Entah apa sebabnya tidaklah diketahui. Keadaan jauh berbeza dari petang semalam di mana semua jalan amat sesak ekoran hujan lebat dan kebakaran di Pantai Dalam. 

Kenderaan di atas Federal Highway bergerak amat perlahan. Ribuan kenderaan terpaksa menunggu berjam-jam untuk sampai ke destinasi masing-masing.

Mujurlah hari ini tenang dan membolehkan aku melayar dunia siber yang penuh dengan pelbagai maklumat dan berita terkini.

Aku baru sahaja melayar dalam dunia siber membaca pelbagai berita on line yang rata-rata memuatkan kenyataan daripada pemimpin pembangkang dan penganalisa politik yang menuduh Kerajaan dengan pelbagai kesalahan.

Setiap hari perkara ini dimuatkan mereka untuk dibaca oleh pelayar-pelayar siber. Maka, tidak hairanlah aku kalau ada yang mempercayai dakyah yang mereka siar. Tambahan pula, aku tenguk di pihak Kerajaan sentiasa kelihatan mendiam diri dengan tuduhan-tuduhan dan maki hamun pembangkang.

Mereka perlu lebih proaktif untuk memenangi hati rakyat

Mungkin ini, aku rasa, menguatkan kepercayaan orang ramai bahawa pihak pembangkang betul dan pihak Kerajaan terpaksa berdiam diri sahaja kerana kesalahan yang dilakukan sudah didedahkan.

Terasa aku nak bertanya kepada pemimpin Kerajaan termasuk Perdana Menteri mengapa dibiarkan keadaan begini. Dan sampai bila? Kerajaan kelihatan hanya menggunakan media utama seperti akhbar dan tv untuk memberitahu rakyat mengenai pelbagai program yang dibuat. Sebaliknya kehadiran mereka dalam dunia siber amat sedikit.

Perkara ini amat menyedihkan kerana rakyat kian hari kian tumpu kepada dunia siber samada mereka berada di pejabat, rumah atau di mana-mana. Perkembangan teknologi dengan adanya telfon pintar membolehkan maklumat sampai kepada mereka di mana sahaja mereka berada.

Aku tidak tahu mengapa Kerajaan tidak mengambil kesempatan untuk memenangi hati rakyat melalui internet.

Satu lagi persoalan ialah mengapa Kerajaan sentiasa kelihatan defensive. Sedangkan Kerajaan perlu proaktif dalam semua aspek. Kerajaan gagal menggunakan semua platform media yang ada untuk memberi penerangan yang sejelasnya mengenai dasar atau peraturan baru yang hendak diperkenalkan.

Sering kali, Kerajaan aku umumkan sesuatu rang undang-undang baru tanpa penjelasan yang luas. Orang ramai tidak memahami apa yang dibentangkan. Mengetahui keadaan ini, pembangkang mengambil kesempatan dan memberi pandangan negatif mereka terhadap perkara tersebut.  Rakyat percaya dengan pembangkang dan Kerajaan terus membisu.

Satu contoh ialah GST. 

Mereka membiarkan pihak penentang bermaharajalela dahulu menuduh dan memburukkan Kerajaan sewenang-wenangnya sehingga rakyat percaya dengan apa yang dikatakan. Mereka kata GST akan menyusahkan rakyat. 

Memang benarlah Kerajaan akan bertindak. Tapi tindakan mereka sentiasa lambat. Nasi dan jadi bubur! Mungkin kerana hendak memastikan persiapan yang lekap dalam menjawab segala pertuduhan, Kerajaan mengambil masa yang lama untuk berbuat demikian. Pelbagai pihak akan dipanggil untuk membantu Kerajaan.

Akhirnya Kerajaan bertindak memberi penjelasan menerusi media utama. Pada masa itu rakyat dah tidak lagi minat dengan isu terbabit. Mereka sudah termakan hasutan pembangkang dan melihat Kerajaan sebagai pihak yang zalim dan tidak mementingkan rakyat.

Ini jelas apabila dalam PRU 13 lalu, orang Melayu bandar rata-rata  menyokong pembangkang dan membenci Kerajaan yang ada. Bagi mereka Kerajaan ini hanya dikuasai mereka yang menjaga kepentingan diri sendiri. 

Kesilapan ini nampaknya masih berterusan dan Kerajaan kelihatan tidak berusaha untuk mencari jalan mengatasi masalah ini. Akhir-akhir ini juga blog-blog yang menyokong Kerajaan BN turut bertindak lebih sebagai menyokong pembangkang.

Kritikan-kritikan keras dilemparkan terhadap Kerajaan dan pemimpin termasuk Perdana Menteri sendiri. Di pihak Kerajaan, mereka tidak nampak bertindak memperbetulkan keadaan. Entah mengapa, tidak sesiapa pun tahu.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Will UMNO delegates listen to Najib?

Dear Di,

You must think I have abandoned you. I know it has been awhile. But, I am bogged down with work. Many deadlines to meet and too little time to complete them.

  However, compared to Dato Sri Najib's heavy schedule, mine would look like a vacation. He has a nation to look after, Opposition are always behind his back and his own party members are questioning things he does and done. He simply cannot please all.

  The Prime Minister is now in US. He had strings of meetings, delivery key note speeches and meeting foreign leaders in New York. I guess when he comes back, he will have a lot of work to do, meet political leaders, attend parliament and probably campaign for some of his hardcore supporters who are defending their posts in UMNO.

Unfortunately, some quarters in his party felt that Najib should stayed neutral now that he had been returned unopposed as president of UMNO. They claimed that he should not have favourites.

Here, I have to disagree. He cannot remain neutral. Why? Firstly, he is the Prime Minister and President of the party. Top leaders of the party formed the core Cabinet members. Naturally, Najib as Prime Minister would want the leaders who support him be re-elected.  He needs his team to assist him in fulfilling all the promises made to the rakyat at the last general election.  Without a team whom he is comfortable to worth with, Najib woul find it very tough to do his job effectively.

Most of his supporters who hold position in the party are cabinet members, Thus, it would be tough for them to stay in the Cabinet if they no longer are senior members of UMNO.

The newly elected party leaders would want to be appointed to the Cabinet. They would not hesitate to apply pressure on the PM to reshuffle the Cabinet and appoint them instead.

Hence, UMNO members must accept whoever are elected to the UMNO supreme council voted in by some 150,000 delegates. So too, Najib.

Monday, 26 August 2013


Dear Di,

It more than a week I have not kept in touch with you. A lot has happened and there are so much things to tell. 

The most popular thing to do this month is, of course, going to Open Houses. For the month of Shawal, according to the Muslim calender, this is the month of celebration after one has fasted for the whole month of Ramadan.


Individuals and Corporates are scrambling to hold Open Houses, inviting families, friends, acquaintances, business partners to attend the event which are either held at homes, hotels, golf clubs or community halls. Sumptuous food and drinks are served for the guests who come in the drove.

Malaysians, generally are politically conscious and politics are often the topic most talked about among the guests. Everyone has something to say, either supporting, disagreeing or making general statements of the happenings that have taken place in last few weeks after Ramadan.

Some of the topics touched were the Court of Appeal ruling allowing the two policemen who were found guilty by the High Court for killing a Mongolian woman free. Many took the opportunity to take a whack at the Government and the judiciary, However, many forgot that overturning the decision of the High Court by the superior court is really not something new.

If we were to remember, the Federal Court had released Opposition leader on Sodomy charges on technicality although the judges were of the opinion that sodomy had taken place. There was also an uproar by the public but the leader's supporters were full of praised for the court. I guess it all depends on whom these people support.

We also have a case where a Government deputy minister was angry with the police for killing five gang members who are suspected of being hired killers. But, his statement should not be a surprised as he was formerly the leader of Hindraf, an Indian movement whose members think that the are being treated poorly in this country.

Then, we have our Prime Minister who launched a new clarion call for the nation "endless possibilities". Whatever that was supposed to mean leaves Malaysians guessing.

As usually, the Prime Minister leaves it to the public to define the meaning on their own. Hence, all kinds of definition have been put up in the cyber world for all to see.

But, a friend asked me who are responsible for the PM new campaign? Is it the same group who did the last one 1 Malaysia. He further asked whether PM would entrust the job to a new team altogether as the last one did not do the job effectively.

My reply was that there were no words suggesting that the PM has set up a new team so I guessed the existing one would have been given the task to implement it.

The face of my friend tells me that he did not expect much success. Well, good to the team.

To another question, I told my friend I do not know whether the PM listen or read the various criticism level against him. But, I know deep in my heart, the man does listen. But, he does not have to agree. He may have his own opinion or point of view.

It is his own choice and whatever decision he makes, he has to live with it. There is a Malay saying "berat mata memadang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul".

Good luck to the PM.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Najib and his Ministers: Drive taxis if you must!

Dear Di,

It is almost customary in this country for the main stream media to ponder the performance of elected leaders after 100 days in office.

Focus of attention is always given to the Prime Minister and Menteris Besar. Why 100 days, nobody seems to know. But, I guess that some media practitioners look at the 100 days performance to judge the persons' ability to rule the full five years.

Honeymoon over. Get back to work, sir

What attracted my attention on this subject was a report in the NST about Dato Sri Najib's role as Prime Minister until the next general election.

It is interesting to note that the Prime Minister remains consistent in his efforts to bring progress to this country. He continued to harp on racial harmony, much to the disappointment of some of his die-hard supporters who were pissed off with the majority of the Chinese voters for not supporting Barisan Nasional in the last general election.

Nevertheless, I agree with the Prime Minister. You certainly cannot give up just because you were not fully successful. Any leaders worth their salt know that they cannot, but continue to woe voters all the time.

To maintain peace and harmony among the races, we need to continue harping on the need to unite and work together. It is a fact that no single race can survive in this country without the support of other races.

Our forefathers have thought long and hard about this, hence the establishment of the strategic alliance, Perikatan. Through Perikatan and later evolved to become Barisan Nasional, all the races in the country work together to bring prosperity to Malaysia.

It is only after the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim as deputy Prime Minister and the unholy alliance he formed with DAP and PAS leaders did the unity among the races began to crack.

From then on, Malaysians were bombarded with so many racist issues on a daily basis. The social media was widely used to propagate hatred among the races. DAP used the social media extensively to turn the Chinese voters against MCA and Gerakan whom it described as mere tools for UMNO.

Thus, it came as a no surprise when the Chinese voters were almost solidly behind DAP in the May 2013 General Election, making the party having the most number of Parliamentary seats among the Opposition parties.

The Chinese voters chose to ignore the goodies handed over by BN leaders, including the Prime Minister. They were made to believe that the BN Government would topple and DAP together with PKR and PAS would rule Putrajaya.

Imagine their disappointment when BN was returned to power on the wee hours of May 9, 2013.

DAP and PAS  quickly come to term with the defeat. However, PKR, the new kid on the block could not accept defeat gracefully and went on to organise rallies to challenge the outcome of the election.

PKR went ballistic and tried to stir the people emotions to support street demonstrations, but much to the embarrassment of PKR leaders, the attempts fizzled out.

So far in the last 100 days, nothing much could be done by Dato Seri Najib and his Government as a lot of efforts were spend on watching and monitoring PKR and their associates throwing tantrums.

The point I want to stress here is for the Prime Minister and his Government to stop entertaining Anwar in his unprofitable games, but to focus their attention on flourishing the nation.

Please go back to the people. Show the people that you care. Follow the good examples set by other world leaders. Put the interest of the people first.


Malaysians love leaders who are humble, kind hearted and attentive to their needs. Stop being aloof, be part of the people. Drive taxis if you must.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013



Cuaca agak panas di luar bangunan tetapi pokok-pokok di tepi jalan kelihatan bergoyang menandakan angin agak kuat. Pembinaan di sebelah bangunan ku rancak berjalan. Ini membuktikan ekonomi kita masih kukuh dan pelabur masih mahu melabur di negara ini.

Hari ini aku diberitahu ruang pejabat di sekeliling kawasan ku semua habis dijual. Nampaknya, usaha majikan ku untuk meluaskan ruang pejabat ini mungkin tidak kesampaian. Nampaknya, kita semua terpaksa bersempit sementara menunggu keputusan majikan untuk berpindah ke kawasan yang lebih luas.

Dari tingkap di tempat aku berkerja, aku lihat kenderaan berpusu-pusu dan suasana amat aman sekali. Ada orang berjalan kaki, ada sedang menunggu bas. Tiada perasaan takut pun di wajah mereka.

Keseluruhan negara secara amannya memang aman, tetapi akhir-akhir ini terdapat sedikit ketegangan kerana berlaku insiden menembak di beberapa tempat di negara ini.

Macam-macam andian dibuat. Ada yang menyalahkan Kerajaan menghapuskan undang-undang pecegahan jenayah seperti ISA dan EO. Ada marah kat polis kerana membiarkan kejadian itu berleluasa.

Pasukan Polis Perlu Imej Baru

Ada pihak meminta diletakkan lebih ramai anggota polis di jalan-jalan di sekitar kawasan orang ramai.  Mungkin benar juga. Dulu, ramai juga anggota polis dilihat berjalan-jalan di sekitar bandar. Kini hampir tidak kelihatan langsung.

Yang sering kita dengar ialah usaha memasang kamera CCTV. Apa gunanya? Kamera tersebut hanya dapat merakam sahaja. Penjenayah pun dah pandai untuk tidak mudah dikesan walaupun dirakam oleh kamera terbabit. Mereka menutup muka, menggunakan plat nombor palsu dan sebagainya.

Mengapa susah sangat nak suruh polis berjalan-jalan di kawasan seperti Bukit Bintang, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, kawasan Brickfield, Petaling Street dan lain-lain lagi.

Apa, cuaca terlalu panas ke? Atau mungkin ada kajian yang dibuat menunjukkan kehadiran polis di tempat awam tidak membendung gejala jenayah?

Selain dari itu, mungkin PDRM atau Polis Di Raja Malaysia perlu membuat beberapa perubahan, terutama melatih anggota supaya bersikap lebih mesra dengan orang ramai.

Kita jarang melihat pegawai polis yang senyum bila berjumpa dengan orang ramai. Tidak semestinya senyuman itu menyebabkan penjenayah hilang takut kepada pihak polis.

Orang ramai akan bersedia memberi kerjasama sekiranya mereka merasa selesa dengan pihak polis yang lebih mesra.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013



Hari ini jalan-jalan di Kuala Lumpur sudah mulai sibuk. Ramai yang bercuti raya di kampung kini sudah pulang. Pejabat mulai dipenuhi dengan pekerja. Tetapi mood raya masih menebal dan ramai yang lebih suka berbual dan bercerita pengalaman beraya di kampung daripada berkerja.

Saya sendiri lebih banyak habiskan masa bersurfing dalam dunia siber. Rakan-rakan kerja tak ramai lagi bertugas. 
Di dunia siber pun nampak tidak begitu aktif. Ramai yang masih "bercuti". Tulisan dan komen tidak begitu pedas lagi...mungkin blogger kebanyakkan masih kenyang dan segan (bahasa utara untuk malas) pegang keyboard.

Bagaimanapun, kawan kita Si Anwar (Ketua Pembangkang) itu dan mula bercakap-cakap. Dia kata, penghapusan undang-undang yang membenarkan tahanan tanpa bicara seperti EO dan ISA bukan punca kadar jenayah meningkat di negara ini. Dia juga kata tembak menembak itu biasa dan berlaku juga semasa undang-undang tersebut masih berkuat kuasa.

Beri kuasa yang lebih kepada Polis buru penjenayah

Bagi dia agaknya, kadar jenayah yang meningkat kini  terjadi kerana pihak berkuasa, polis lah tu, tidak menjalankan dengan baik atau ....

Mungkin Bang Anwar dah rasa bahan kemarahan rakyat yang menyalahkan orang politik kerana menyebabkan samseng bertindak ganas ekoran dari penghapusan undang-undang pencegahan jenayah.

Kini dia mahu Kerajaan dan polis panggil semua pihak, termasuk pembangkang berbincang mencari jalan penyelesaian. Mati-mati, dia dan konconya tidak mahu mengaku yang penghapusan undang-undang itu menyebabkan kadar kekejaman jenayah semangkin meningkat.

Cakap-cakap kosong ini buang masa. Kita perlu bertindak segera. Apa nak bincang lagi. Akhirnya semua akan bersetuju perlunya ada undang-undang baru mengatasi masalah jenayah yang meningkat.

Kita semua dah tahu,  samseng yang dibebaskan dari tahanan buang daerah kini kembali ke tempat masing-masing dan semestinya mahu kembali berkuasa semula. Ini sudah pasti membawa kepada perbalahan antara geng yang membawa kepada kejadian tembak menembak. Yang paling malangnya apabila peluru sesat mengena orang ramai yang tidak berdosa.

Dalam hal ini Kerajaan pun patut disalahkan. Terlalu cepat tunduk dengan tekanan dan tidak mengambil kira pandangan pihak polis sebelum membuat keputusan. Ramai cerdik pandai di negara ini membantah usaha Kerajaan mahu menghapuskan undang-undang tersebut kerana bimbang dengan kesan yang boleh terjadi. Kerajaan tidak dengar. Kerana nak popular, bertindak melulu. Kini, Kerajaan juga yang susah.

Kebimbangan pihak berkuasa menjadi kenyataan dan Kerajaan kelihatan terkapai-kapai dalam mencari jalan penyelesaian. Akhir-akhir ini Kerajaan terpaksa mencadangkan suatu rang undang-undang baru, katanya hampir dengan yang dulu di mana suspek boleh ditahan tanpa bicara.

Saya percaya kerajaan perlu mempercepatkan proses kelulusan undang-undang ini. Walaupun pembangkang akan protes. Bar Council akan protes, Suaram akan protes, Suhakam akan protes tetapi rakyat akan gembira.

Monday, 12 August 2013


Dear Di,

Good afternoon to you.

To borrow NST headline today, politicians in Malaysia should say “sorry for the country’s mess”.

Thanks to their stupidity and instiable hunger for popular votes, politicians from both divide zeroed onto the removal of “draconian laws” that had since Independence helped checked the threats from criminals and kept the country relatively safe.

Both mainstream and social media hailed the removal of these laws as timely and described the move as historic. Leaders earned praises from civil rights groups who saw such a move helped placed the nation closer to that other developed countries in terms of respecting human rights.

Unfortunately, of late both the mainstream and social media are screaming at the Government to reinstate the draconian laws as criminals, some quoted as saying, numbering more than 200,000 are running havoc.

Rare shooting cases in the past have now become almost a daily occurrence. Prominent businessman, a civil servant, a social activist and individuals (some had criminal records) were gunned down.

The armed assailants who might be had been detained or had their movement restricted under the draconian laws were released unconditionally. They now move freely.

Rightly or wrongly the public now fears for their safety. Most fear that the may become accidental victims, hit by stray bullets. Thus, many opted not to go out and have late supper with friends and chose to stay in door at night. Even the Minister of Tourism sounded warning that the situation if left unchecked would drive away tourists. This not a good news as 2014 is the Visit Malaysia Year.

Although there are growing calls from many quarters for some form of preventive laws be introduced soon, some politicians opposed bringing back such laws. Instead, they choose to put the blame on the inefficiency of the police.

They argued that the police has to improve their service and use better crime fighting equipment.

But any law enforcement officials know that that alone is not enough. The country need some form of preventive laws to curb crime since not all crime can be proven beyond reasonable doubts.

Therefore, it come as no surprise that there are countries, including that of the United States, had introduced tough preventive laws that allowed detention without trail.

It is also rumoured that the same country sanctioned the “elimination” of suspects that could be a serious threat to the country, including their own countrymen.

There is no way the police can be everywhere all the time. We need preventive laws to put fear among the criminals. It is better to deny certain rights for a few bad hats than placing the whole population under siege of fear.

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Dear Di,

For this first time, I decided to write to you to inform what is going on in this country.

After 4 days of Shawal (the month we Muslims celebrate our victory after 29 days of fasting from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan), we Malaysians, including yours truly, cannot resist from talking about politics when we met family, relatives and friends during Open Houses. For your information, Muslims celebrating Aidil Fitri usually hold open houses where food and drinks are served fre to almost everyone that walked into their houses.

The conversations mostly touched on politics, crime and politics again. Of course the name of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak surfaced regularly. Most of the time, he blamed for the almost whatever had happened in this country for the last few weeks. Even his cabinet line up came under barrage of criticism.

However, the most talked about issue about Najib is "not talking mood". Malaysians noted that the PM has refrained from making statements concerning many issues that have propped out since the last general election in May and there were demands, especially from the Opposition leaders that he addressed them.

I guess we Malaysians are not use to seeing the Prime Minister maintaining a long silence. In the past, almost all Prime Ministers were quick to make statements, including irrelevant ones just to entertain questions raised by journalists during arranged or ambused-style press conferences.

His long silence and limited public appearance of late, has caused some much rumours to surface.

One of them was that some UMNO veterans were trying to exercise their influence to encourage delegates from the branches and divisions to nominate candidates to challenge the incumbent president. These veterans apparently felt that Najib had to take responsibility for the recent outcome of the general election where he was seen as having failed to improve the number of BN seats in Parliament. Under Najib, stewardship, BN lost 7 seats, reducing its majority from 140 to 133. Thus, some even concluded that Pak Lah was a better Prime Minister than Najib.

I guess some people forgot that under Pak Lah, BN lost more than 50 seats in the 2008 General Election.

Perhaps, we should take a break from talking about politics. Malaysians should pay more attention to the economy and be worried. Many developed countries, especially in Europe are economically sick. The situation there will certainly affect us in the not too distant future. If our exports are affected, workers in this country will lose jobs as factories start to downsize their operating cost.

In the current situation we are in, Malaysians should throw their support behind the Government. Forgot about partisan politics and start to behave like responsible citizens. We need to double our efforts, improve the quality of our work, products and services to compete with shrinking market.

I know it will be a huge sacrifice for some Malaysians to leave politics behind. We are too engrossed in politics that we failed to see that this has affected us economically. We are starting not to trust each other. There are even calls to boycott the other races. Have we gone mad?

We know that there are politicians who depend on our support to survive. But, we are now at a cross road to decide whether we support politics and allow the politicians to continue their role in instigating the politics of hate all the way to the next general election or support the Government to improve the economy and ensure our survival as an economic powerhouse.

Friday, 7 June 2013


Others should emulate Najib

Ternyata terdapat pemimpin UMNO kini tidak lagi digemari oleh golongan Melayu Bandar. Mereka dilihat sebagai mementingkan diri dan tidak wajar terus kekal dalam barisan pucuk pimpinan parti kerana pelbagai sebab.

Antaranya sudah terlalu lama. Ada yang dilihat menjadi kaya raya setelah menjadi pemimpin UMNO. Mereka tidak lagi berjumpa dengan rakyat dan sering menunjukkan kemewahan. Anak-anak dan Menteri sendiri kelihatan membawa kenderaan mewah di komplek membeli belah. Jarang yang bertegur sapa dengan rakyat malah ada yang mahu menjauhi diri daripada orang ramai.

Orang Melayu sayang kepada UMNO tetapi benci dengan pemimpin-pemimpin yang tidak mesra rakyat. Masa pilihanraya pemimpin begitu mesra sekali dengan pengundi. Sanggup makan dan minum guna pinggan dan cawan biasa, tetapi apabila dilantik menjadi Menteri atau apa-apa jawatan mereka bertukar menjadi manusia sombong dan tidak lagi mesra rakyat.

Yang peliknya, masalah lain dan cara mengatasinya pula tidak ada kena dengan masalah yang dihadapi. Sepatutnya pemimpin berubah menjadi pemimpin yang berwibawa dan sentiasa menjaga kepentingan rakyat. Sebaliknya, cadangan untuk pulihkan UMNO ialah dengan menjadikan BN sebagai satu parti.

Memanglah orang Melayu marah. Itu bukan apa yang mereka hendak. Yang diperlukan ialah pemimpin UMNO yang jujur, tidak sombong, tidak menunjukkan kemewahan dan sentiasa mendamping rakyat.

Dari apa yang boleh kita lihat, terdapat persetujuan di kalangan orang Melayu dan mereka yang menyokong BN bahawa sesuatu perlu dilakukan bagi memastikan UMNO dan BN terus diterima rakyat atau pengundi.

Yang lebih serius, rakyat Bandar merasa ada jurang yang luas di antara mereka dan pemimpin UMNO yang dikatakan memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu di negara ini.

Ini mungkin kerana pemimpin UMNO dan kerajaan tidak lagi kelihatan bersama dengan rakyat. Pemimpin UMNO terlalu sibuk(?) sehingga tidak ada masa untuk berjumpa dengan rakyat.

Acara turun padang pula yang diadakan tidak dilihat dilakukan secara ikhlas. Jika di negeri-negeri Menteri-Menteri Besar menyedia satu hari dalam seminggu sessi bersama rakyat di pejabat mereka, mengapa perkara yang sama tidak boleh dilakukan oleh Menteri-Menteri Kabinet.

Menteri-Menteri Kabinet seharusnya menggada perjumpaan dengan rakyat atau pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang mewakili rakyat sekurang-kurang sekali seminggu bagi mendengar sendiri apa yang mereka ingin zahirkan. Ini untuk meyakinkan rakyat bandar bahawa kepenting mereka sentiasa dijaga oleh Kerajaan.

Jangan sesekali menyerahkan urusan rakyat kepada pegawai sahaja. Laungkan masa kerana mereka mahu melihat Menteri sendiri yang mendengar masalah mereka dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. Rakyat tidak mengundi pegawai.

Terdapat beribu NGO yang ditubuhkan dan Menteri berkenaan perlu menyediakan masa untuk berjumpa dengan mereka beberapa kali dalam setahun. Ini baru bermakna dan ahli-ahli NGO akan merasa bangga bahawa masalah dan cadangan mereka mendapat perhatian Kerajaan. Kemesraan ini akan membantu UMNO dan BN untuk terus berkuasa.

Jangan hanya berkata, zaman Kerajaan mengetahui segalanya sudah berakhir, buktikan dengan mengadakan perjumpaan dengan rakyat sekerap mungkin. Rakyat mahu berkata dan Menteri mendengar dan ambil tindakan sewajarnya.

Kalau tidak sanggup baik berhenti sahaja. Jangan jadi punca kekalahan UMNO dan BN dalam PRU14.

Kita tahu ada banyak masalah yang dihadapi rakyat di Bandar. Mereka perlu diberi bantuan dan perlindungan. Perhatian sering diberikan di luar Bandar tetapi penduduk Bandar jarang mendapat perhatian kerana ramai menggangap mereka tiada masalah.

Itu sebabnya, ramai penduduk Bandar yang pulang ke negeri masing-masing pada musim pilihanraya umum jarang menyokong kerajaan. Sebaliknya mereka lebih menyokong pembangkang kerana ramai pemimpin pembangkang berjumpa dengan mereka menerusi ceramah-ceramah yang di adakan tanpa putus-putus.

Jangan terlalu mengharap media arus perdana untuk menyampai mesej kerajaan. Ianya tidak begitu berkesan. Rakyat mahu didampingi bukan memaksa mereka membaca atau mendengar mesej dari saluran akhbar, radio dan TV sahaja

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Bayangkan scenario ini....Tahun 2018 dan pilihanraya umum ke 14 baru sahaja selesai. BN dapat kembali dua pertiga majoriti di Parlimen dan semua negeri-negeri dimenangi BN termasuk Kelantan, Pulau Pinang dan Selangor.

DAP, PAS dan PKR kalah teruk. Anwar telah lama tidak mengetuai Pakatan Rakyat kerana telah lama bersara dari politik selepas Pakatan gagal menguasai Putrajaya dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 lalu. Beliau kini menjadi pensyarah kanan sebuah universiti terulung di Amerika Syarikat.

BN dibawah Najib terus cermelang tetapi itu tidak penting. Dalam cerita ini yang menjadi watak utama adalah pengundi Melayu.

Pengundi Melayu buat pertama kali tidak berpecah dan sebaliknya bersatu memberi sokongan padu kepada calun-calun BN. Persoalan di sini, siapakah pengundi Melayu kali ini dan bagaimana mereka berubah. Adakah mereka ini sama dengan mereka yang mengundi pada PRU 13?

Mereka bukan lagi Melayu PRU 13. Mereka adalah Melayu yang dipupuk dan dididik menerusi pelbagai program "social engineering" oleh Kerajaan BN. Kerajaan, mulai Mei 2013 telah mengubal dasar mengubah orang Melayu menjadi bangsa pelbagai program yang dinamik, tabah, kuat dan rajin berusaha.

Program memperkukuhkan ekonomi orang Melayu ini menyebabkan ramai usahawan Melayu berjaya dan banyak syarikat milik orang Melayu dapat disenaraikan di pasaran saham KLSE. Hakikatnya, Kerajaan sedar kedudukan orang Melayu pada tahun 2013 adalah hanya ditahap memuaskan. Yang perlu dilaksanakan ialah program untuk menjadikan orang Melayu cemerlang.

Menyedari perkara ini, Kerajaan BN. Buat pertama kali pada tahun 2013, bertindak melantik profesional Melayu untuk mengetuai agensi-agensi kerajaan, terutama yang ditubuhkan untuk membantu menaikkan taraf hidup orang Melayu. Banyak tenaga mahir diambil bertugas untuk dijadikan instructor kepada orang Melayu yang menyertai pelbagai program pembangunan ekonomi. Bank-bank milik Kerajaan dan swasta turut dikerah memberi kerjasama memberi pinjaman kepada peniaga bumiputera menerusi tabung khas. Selain itu, bank-bank meletakkan pegawainya di syarikat yang mendapat pinjamannya membantu dalam bidang pengurusan. Kali ini, tindakan tegas di ambil terhadap bank yang tidak mematuhi arahan Kerajaan.

Selain itu, Kerajaan juga telah mengubah sistem pendidikan dalam melahirkan tenaga kerja mahir. Universiti-universiti di arah memberi tumpuan kepada melahirkan graduan-graduan yang terlatih dalam bidang ekonomi, permasaran dan lain-lain yang boleh membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Tenaga terlatih bergelar graduan diberi insentif berkerja dengan syarikat-syarikat yang menyertai progam bantuan Kerajaan.

Kerajaan juga membantu perniaga melayu dalam menceburi bidang-bidang baru menerusi usahasama dengan GLCs. GLCs juga diarah mengadakan skim incubator di mana graduan yang berminat untuk berniaga diberi peluang menyertai program tersebut. Mereka diberi bimbingan sehingga boleh berdikari.

Masalah sosial yang sering dihadapi orang Melayu bandar seperti mereka yang tinggal di flet-flet sempit juga dapat diatasi menerusi program perumahan mampu milik yang dibina dengan begitu pesat sekali. Pusat-pusat bandar baru bercambah di Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Pahang, Johor yang lengkap dengan kemudahan moden dan mampu dimiliki oleh Bumiputera disediakan.

Pembangunana pesat turut dikecapi di Sabah dan Sarawak. Pelbagai pembangunan dilaksanakan dia kedua-dua negeri. Masyarakat luar bandar di negeri tersebut turut bantu untuk meningkatkan tahap kehidupan mereka. Golongan Bumiputera di Sabah dan Sarawak juga ramai yang menceburi bidang perniagaan.

Kerana usaha keras BN selama 5 tahun, Malaysia diikitraf sebagai sebuah negara maju, dua tahun lebih awal dari yang dirancang. Dan buat pertama kali, peratus orang Melayu dan Bumiputera yang terbabit dalam perniagaan meingkat lebih daripada 30 peratus. kejayaan ini membolahkan kuasa membeli orang Melayu menjadi lebih tinggi. Orang Melayu pada masa ini tidak lagi memerlukan subsidi kerana mereka mampu hidup senang. Kali ini bantuan hanya diberikan kepada golongan miskin dan kurang upaya.

Memanglah terdapat pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi Kerajaan BN semasa memulakan program ini. Tetapi tidak sampai setahun, orang Melayu memahami tujuan kerajaan dan menerima dasar itu dengan rela. Walaupun usaha ini dlakukan untuk orang Melayu, Kerajaan tidak abaikan nasib orang bukan bumiputera. Pelabgai kemudahan juga diperkenalkan untuk meningkatkan taraf ekonomi golongan itu terutama orang India.

Usaha phak tertentu untuk mengagalkan rancangan kerajaan turut gagal kerana ditolak rakyat yang mahu melihat negara berubah kearah tahap lebih baik dibawah Kerajaan BN...




AKHIR-AKHIR ini, penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dalam dunia media sedang berusaha keras meyakinkan rakyat bahawa Barisan Nasional kalah dalam kemenangan.

Walaupun BN mendapat kerusi majoriti, hakikatnya rakyat Malaysia menolak BN dan lebih menyokong Pakatan. Dalam erti kata lain, undi kepada Pakatan secara keseluruhan lebih memihak kepada gabungan longgar itu berbanding BN.

Tetapi rakyat faham yang menang itu adalah parti yang memiliki kerusi majoriti, bukan gabungan undi terbanyak. Untuk menubuh kerajaan, parti yang menang ialah mereka yang mempunyai kerusi terbanyak dalam Parlimen, bukan undi terbanyak. Maka, alasan penganalisa politik yang condong kepada Pakatan kononnya Pakatan seharusnya diberi kemenangan dan mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan kerana mendapat undi popular tidak ada asas sama sekali. Maka nasib Pakatan adalah menang dalam kekalahan.

Apakah benar Pakatan mendapat undi Bangsa Malaysia? Atau trend undi di Malaysia tetap seperti dulu, ia itu undi bukan Melayu menjadi penentu di kawasan bandar? Apapun mereka kata, yang penting dan harus diingat ialah Pakatan terutama DAP berjaya meyakinkan pengundi Cina untuk tidak menyokong BN. Mereka diberitahu bahwa BN tidak bertindak adil terhadap masyarakat Cina dan hanya Pakatan dapat membetulkan ketidakadilan tersebut jika diberi kuasa.

Kempen tersebut bermula setelah terdapat kerjasama di antara Anwar, DAP dan PAS. Masyarakat Cina mula percaya dengan kempen tersebut dan tidak lagi mahu terikat dengan social contract yang dipersetujui oleh mereka yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara terdahulu. Tindakan Anwar mengapi-api mereka agar membenci BN kononnya hanya mementingkan golongan tertentu dan memberi kekayaan kepada mereka yang disukai sahaja menyebabkan masyarakat Cina memarahi MCA dan Gerakan kerana tidak membantah.

Pada masa yang sama juga, MCA dan Gerakan berada di tahap yang lemah selepas PRU12. Malahan kedua-dua parti itu tidak dapat memperkuatkan kedudukan parti menjelang PRU13 dan terdapat perbalahan yang serius di antara pemimpin sehingga menyebabkan parti itu berpecah. Tidak terdapat apa-apa usaha untuk memulihkan parti itu secara serius. Hanya MIC yang berkerja keras untuk mengembalikan keyakinan masyarakat India menyokong parti itu.

Maka banyak kerusi di kawasan bandar yang dulu dimenangi BN melalui MCA tewas ditangan DAP, PKR dan PAS dalam pilihanraya kali ini. Ini kerana undi Melayu pecah dua dan undi bukan Melayu terutama undi Cina jadi penentu. Semenangnya pada PRU13 ini, undi Cina kebanyakkan pergi ke Pakatan. Kemenangan Pakatan di banyak kawasan bandar tidak ada kena mengena dengan undi Bangsa Malaysia, hakikatnya undi Cina yang memihak kepada Pakatan.

Sekiranya benar bangsa Malaysia undi Pakatan, maka kerusi parlimen Setiawangsa dan Titiwangsa seharusnya juga jatuh ke Pakatan. Ini tidak berlaku kerana pengundi Melayu di kawasan tersebut adalah tinggi.

Janganlah ada usaha lagi untuk menyakinkan rakyat Pakatan masih relevan. PRU dah tamat. Tumpukan usaha untuk menunaikan janji kepada rakyat.